quinta-feira, 19 de setembro de 2024

Atividade de revisão - 3º Bimestre

1. I don't eat much meat. I prefer vegetables.
A. Frutas                 B. Carne                 C. Queijo
2. How much is this bread?
A. Pão                     B. Leite                   C. Bolacha
3. I love barbecue.
A. Ovo                    B. Doces                 C. Churrasco
4. Don't eat eggs every day.
A. Leite                   B. Salada                 C. Ovos
5. Do you like chocolate cake?
A. Bolacha             B. Fruta                    C. Bolo
6. Please give me some cheese.
A. Leite                 B. Queijo                   C. Biscoito
7. Where do you buy rice?
A. Feijão               B. Torta                     C. Arroz
8. How often do you eat pie?
A. Torta                B. Bolo                       C. Farofa

B)Nomes de comidas e bebidas em inglês

1. Let's have some ice cream.
A. Crème                             B. Suco                   C. Sorvete
2. Do you like pasta?
A. Massas                           B. Ovo                    C. Carne
He doesn't eat cheese every day.
A. Leite                               B. Queijo                 C. Frango
4. Do you want some tea?
A. Café                                B. Chá                     C. Leite
5. I eat bread for breakfast.
A. Pão                                B. Bolo                      C. Ovo
6. I like American pie.
A. Pamonha                      B. Torta                     C. Bolo
7. Brazilians eat rice and beans every day.
A. Arroz com feijão         B. Arroz com carne      C. Feijão tropeiro
Water is good for your health.
A. Suco                             B. Leite                        C. Água
Where are the potatoes?

A. Batatas                        B. Ervilhas                    C. Alhos

C)Nomes de comidas e bebidas em inglês

1. Mary likes passion fruit. Do you like it?
A. Maçã                             B. Abacaxi              C. Maracujá
2. Did you ever eat a star fruit?
A. Fruta do conde           B. Carambola         C. Laranja da terra
3. Watermelon is my favorite fruit.
A. Melancia                     B. Uva                      C. Pêra
4. How much is this peach?
A. Pêssego                      B. Abacate               C. Banana
5. I ate tomato e lettuce today.
A. Couve                         B. Alface                   C. Abóbora
6. Rabbits eat carrots.
A. Cebolas                      B. Maçãs                  C. Cenouras
7. I hate onions.
A. Cebolas                      B. Batatas                C. Alface
8. Do you prefer potatoes or tomatoes?
A. Batatas                      B. Mandiocas           C. Feijão
10. I don't like beef.
A. Carne de vaca          B. Bife                        C. Carne de porco

1. There are some potatoes in the box.
a. Tomates                      b. Alhos                   c. Batatas
2. Rabbits like carrots.
a. Cebolas                       b. Cenouras             c. Tomate
3. Do you eat peas?
a. Ervilhas                        b. Alface                  c. Abóbora
4. Where is the tomato?
a. Cebola                          b. Batata                 c. Tomate
5. I don't like to peel onions.
a. Cebolas                        b. Cenouras            c. Couve

6. This mushroom is delicious.
a. Cogumelo                    b. Alface                  c. Ervilha
7. I hate pepper.
a. Couve                          b. Pimenta              c. Ervilha
8. Pamonha is made of corn.
a. Alho                             b. Milho                   c. Tomate

Exercícios: Falando de comida em inglês - Parte 1

Agora, o objetivo é relacionar as perguntas comuns sobre comida com as mais prováveis respectivas respostas:

1) What do you want to have for breakfast?                                                            a) I wouldn’t say no to a cup of tea.
2) How about a nice cup of tea?                                                                                b) Yes, please. I want an orange juice.
3) Something to drink?                                                                                               c) No, I don’t. I prefer juice.
4) What did you have for dinner?                                                                              d) I want to have bread and butter.
5) Do you want a soda?                                                                                              e) I usually have rice and beans and a salad.
6) What do you usually have for breakfast?                                                             f) Sure. In fact I think I love all kinds of juice.
7) Do you like apple juice?                                                                                         g) I’d like to have pasta and a green salad.
8) What do you want to have for lunch?                                                                   h) I had soup.
9) What do you usually have for lunch?                                                                   i) I usually have a bowl of cereal with milk.

Exercícios: Falando de comida em inglês - Parte 2

Match the sentences in English with the corresponding equivalents in Portuguese: (Relacione as sentenças em inglês com as respectivas equivalências em português).

1) Healthy food usually has a bland taste.                                     a) Eu acho que comida japonesa é horrível.

2) This orange is a little sour.                                                          b) Eu acho a comida italiana deliciosa.

3) I hate eating salty food.                                                                c) Esta laranja está um pouco azeda.

4) I think Japanese food is disgusting.                                           d) Eu não posso comer comida picante.

5) She always cooks vegetables with a lot of seasoning.             e) Comidas saudáveis geralmente tem um sabor sem graça.

6) I can’t eat spicy food.                                                                    f ) Francine adora o gosto amargo do café.

7) Francine loves the bitter taste of coffee.                                    g) Eu odeio comida salgada.

8) I love eating cake because it’s sweet.                                         h) Ela sempre cozinha legumes com muito tempero.

9) I think Italian food is delicious.                                                   i) Ela sempre cozinha legumes com muito tempero.

10) She doesn’t like to eat pizza because it’s too greasy.            j) Ela não gosta de comer pizza porque é muito gorduroso.

11) The chicken needs more salt and pepper.                               k) Uau, está lasanha está muito saborosa.

12) Wow, this lasagna is so tasty.                                                   l) Adoro comer bolo porque é doce.



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Atividade de revisão - 3º Bimestre

1. I don't eat much meat. I prefer vegetables. A. Frutas                 B. Carne                 C. Queijo 2. How much is this brea...